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By Philip Zaengle

So, You Have a WordPress XML Export?

WordPress powers 43.5% of all websites. That’s a lot — over 835 million to be exact.

If you’re a web professional, odds are you’ve worked on (or in) a WordPress installation.

So have we. Usually we’re helping a client migrate content into more specialized CMS, like ExpressionEngine, Statamic, or Craft CMS.

It’s pretty easy to get data out of WordPress using its Export feature, which gives you a big old XML field. But unfortunately, when that export is opened, the results can be pretty ugly.

In the past, we would “clean” these exports using find and replace in a text editor (even using regex in find and replace), then import the content and let content managers know it’s time to start manually cleaning things up.

The usual problems with that involve fixing malformed HTML, removing a mess of classes, and then parsing through wp:embed comments to try and sort out the missing content.

It’s never an enjoyable process. Oftentimes teams leave this to a junior developer or an intern… which is a punishment they just don’t deserve.

This isn’t good enough. The problem needs a better solution.

That’s why we built WP:Scrubber. WP:Scrubber takes a standard WordPress XML feed and applies a custom set of transformations to each post in the feed. The transformation process is fully configurable and orderable by users because no two WordPress XML feeds are the same.

This has already saved us a load of time migrating folks off WordPress and we hope it does for you as well. Check it out for yourself at

By Philip Zaengle

Founder & CEO

Philip’s greatest childhood loves were LEGO and earning money (by selling soda at baseball games) – two foundational traits of entrepreneurs everywhere.

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