By Emily Kassmeier
Zaengleverse in 2022
Here we are again! The end of another year — and it has flown by. I lost track of the number of times I said “it’s (insert month) already??”.
2022 was another memorable year in the Zaengleverse.
We shipped a ton (and I mean a ton) of work. We started working with new clients and maintained projects with existing ones. We explored new technologies and learned some new skills. And we did all of it while trying our best to Be Nice, Do Good — both on the web and in real life.
To close out the year, the Zaengsters made a list of just a few of the things we’re each thankful for from 2022.

- Learned new things: Contentful, Alpine JS, Twig and more. How to install electrical wiring, drywall, plumbing, and laminate flooring.
- 2022 had a physical and mental toll on me in unexpected ways, and I’m thankful that Zaengle took care of me in ways that I could take care of others.
- Family: Our family has continued to grow up and in our ability to take care of each other. My kids are empathetic, emotional (good and bad), and my wife and I constantly love the opportunity we have to raise them.

- People – I’m so grateful for the wonderful people in my life. Between my family, friends, and coworkers, I know some of the greatest people around (but I’m biased). I’m also including my dog under this umbrella too because he’s the best furry coworker.
- Hobbies that don’t involve a screen – I love working online. I also love not being online sometimes too.
- Notion – I use this tool for everything. It makes me a better (and a way more organized) person.

- I am grateful for the opportunity to switch careers and take on new adventures. I started working at an awesome company, Zaengle. This was one of my biggest achievements this year and though scary, I felt at home joining the team.
- Balance. I am grateful to be able to work on projects that are not monotonous, that are sometimes challenging and sometimes simple. I am grateful for a better work-life balance to enjoy my hobbies and life more.
- I am grateful for my little village. This year had many ups and downs but my circle of friends and family have been supportive and there every step of the way. I am happy that even though we might not live close to each other, we manage to be there for each other.

- Teammates – I enjoy the different personalities, backgrounds, and skillsets that make up the Zaengleverse
- Projects – This year I have had a good variety of projects to work on, using tools like Vue, React, and Laravel. Many of the projects required creative thinking in order to solve challenging issues.
- Family – As I see my kids getting older I realize how fast time is going and I'm thankful to be working from home so I can soak up as many moments with them as I can.

- Stability - Personally and professionally, I've been in a long season of steady-as-she-goes stability. If you look at the news, scroll LinkedIn, or (gasps) talk to a few people in real life, you'll know that a lot of change is going around, and it's not always good. So I'm grateful for my situation.
- Work - I get to do fun work with great people, and more often than not, I look forward to working each day. I don't know how common that is, but I don't take it for granted.
- Health - My family and I have been fortunate to have had a healthy year, both with pesky seasonal illnesses and more serious matters. That's an absolute blessing.

- I am grateful for my family, including my wife, children, and dog Ruby. We have the privilege of supporting and growing together as a unit.
- Additionally, I am thankful to be part of a work team where everyone is supportive and works well together.
- Finally, I am grateful for the community in my life that has generously invested in me, even when they didn't have to.

- My fellow Zaengsters – I’m biased, of course, but I fully believe I work with the most wonderful people.
- My health – I still have some knee problems, but I’m grateful that the issues I have can and will be fixed soon.
- New friends – I made a couple new friends this year (which has always been challenging for me), and they’re lovely people who have already helped me with so much.

- Meditation - I’ve returned (via the excellent Waking Up) to a regular practice after drifting away for a few years, and I’m so glad I did.
- Flexibility - being part of a fully remote team means I get to live in a beautiful place, spend more time with my kids, and still get to work with great people on meaningful projects.
- Having enough - At a time when it can feel like the whole world is on fire, and lots of folks are struggling just to get by. I have been keenly aware that I already have everything I need: a healthy family, food on the table and a warm roof over my head.
That’s all from us in 2022.
From our team to yours, we wish you a holiday season that’s merry and bright. We’ll see you in 2023.
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Project & Marketing Manager
Emily can often be found reading, enjoying the outdoors with her dog, and trying to keep her houseplants alive.