By Jason VanLue
Zaengleverse in 2018
Zaengle had an amazing year in 2018.
If I had to sum up the year in one word (or maybe two) it would be "maturity" and "identity." I'm very proud of our engineering team for their growth, skill, and relentless pursuit of code quality. I think we also solidified Zaengle's identity as an agency moving forward, and it's exciting to see how we're poised for some pretty awesome things in 2019 (can't wait to share in the coming months).
On our last day of 2018 we reflected on the year, and asked each team member to select one thing that represented the "best" of 2018. Here's what everyone had to say:
Philip Zaengle
I loved the transition in our work to a more strategic and defined process. We adopted graphql and Nuxt and really honed our optimal tech stack. I also loved the additions to the team, and specifically how Owen grew and matured as an engineer.
Jesse Schutt
I loved the addition of Sean Delaney to the team. He brings a solid work ethic, and the ability (and desire) to dig into hard problems and take initiative to solve them. I've also been excited to see Steven's growth and maturity this year.
Steven Grant
I'm also really excited about the progression in our tech stack. It's enjoyable to work with and doesn't feel like you have to fight it. It feels like we're really dialing in to something for the long run (or as long as anything on the web can last). It's also been great to participate in our #mentorship Slack channel, and help younger developers grow.
Owen Zaengle
I've appreciated Jesse's new leadership role on the team. Among other things his responsibility for monitoring code quality, reviewing pull requests, and keeping all the projects in his brain has been very helpful.
Jason VanLue
I'm thrilled at the growth and maturity of the engineering team. They've made incredible leaps from an already solid place at the beginning of the year. I'm also excited about our transition from a smaller, more website-centric team to a formidable software engineering agency.
Sean Delaney
As Zaengle's most recent hire in 2018 I'm thrilled to be a part of the team. It's been great digging into projects and learning how I can contribute.
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By Jason VanLue